CEF - Clean Energy Fuels
CEF stands for Clean Energy Fuels
Here you will find, what does CEF stand for in Firm under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Clean Energy Fuels? Clean Energy Fuels can be abbreviated as CEF What does CEF stand for? CEF stands for Clean Energy Fuels. What does Clean Energy Fuels mean?The United States based company is located in Newport Beach, California engaged in oil & energy industry.
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Alternative definitions of CEF
- Cisco Express Forwarding
- Canadian Expeditionary Force
- Closed End Fund
- Church Extension Fund
- Crystal Electric Field
- Central Fund of Canada, LTD.
- Common Executable Format
- Central Experimental Farm
View 74 other definitions of CEF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CR City of Rockville
- CCN Caxton Community Newspapers
- CCFCSB The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
- CHR Constance Hotels and Resorts
- CG City of Greeley
- CBA Craft Brew Alliance
- CDCN Consumer Direct Care Network
- CT Cabildo de Tenerife
- CIA Cairo International Airport
- CHNZ Crowe Horwath New Zealand
- CCL Centrum Capital Ltd
- CRF Community Research Foundation
- CSCC Columbia State Community College
- CIP Cornerstone Insurance PLC
- CTY Center for Talented Youth
- CCG College of Coastal Georgia
- CORW Channel One Russia Worldwide
- CH County of Hawaii
- CTIL Cummins Technologies India Limited
- CNC College of New Caledonia